Bedroom Demon

by Jurnee Haller
(Redding California)

One night I was lying in bed unable to sleep. I heard breathing so I rolled over to the other side the bed. Suddenly I heard something slam shut like a drawer at the foot of my bed. I heard a creak and felt the corner of the bed sink down. Was someone sitting on my bed? I was paralyzed with fear.

I started hearing voices. I couldn't make out what they were saying, I just heard my name being repeated over and over again. I screamed and felt like I was glued to the wall behind my bed. My mom rushed in and flicked on the light.

After that I changed rooms but the entity seemed to follow me for years til I moved out. My mother believed it was a demon because I always tried to commit suicide many times. Now that I've moved I am more happy and less suicidal.

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