My Bedroom

by Tabitha Rabideaux
(Plover, WI)

This is a true story. I am telling you it is a true story here. What I am going to tell you is that a ghost or a spirit that I saw, green eyes, heard talking in the attic and darken shadow.

1)One day, I was going to bed, I saw a ghost or a spirit- I didn't know which one it was. The ghost or a spirit was by my radio and it (ghost or spirit) was turning the volume on my radio up and down. Then the next day, same thing but it (ghost or spirit) walked pass me.

2)Then months went passed, I saw nothing really expect for one day when I was going to bed. I pulled my blankets up and I saw two GREEN EYES in the corner by my small window! It was green, not joking it was green!

3)So, this day was in the summer time and it was day time. I was in my room at my desk, I think I was drawing or something and I heard talking in the attic. NO ONE WAS IN THERE. EVERYONE WAS IN THE LIVING ROOM OR IN THE KITCHEN. I didn't catch the talking part what was said in the attic room. I know something was in there and talked.

4)This one is a recent one. I would say a month ago when it happen but when I was sleeping I saw a darken shadow came over my face. I was a little bit scared when I saw it. I don't know how that is possible, I was SLEEPING when I saw the darken shadow.

So, this story is 100 percent true story that happened in my very own bedroom except the attic but I still heard the voices in there. There is something in my very own bedroom have been here before I moved in. Plus these ghost or spirit would done something to me but they haven't yet. So, these ghost or spirits are following me where ever I go. CREEPY!!! What I mean is, don't let these kinds of things get you or have come near you? Not a good choice to be around.

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