Red Bike

by racingunicorn653

Me and Mel were cycling down a lane. We were pretty competitive and were riding fast. There are woods to the right and a meadow to the left, it's a very pretty sight with the mountains in the background and families were having picnics at the far end. There is also a gorgeous village down there too (we were going to the village to get snacks).

Then we seen a old rusty red bike tied in chains to a tree. Me being the most adventurous went down to have a look. I was half way there when the chains and bike starting shaking violently then ceased. A tense air came over the clearing then a BIG gush of wind came out of nowhere blowing leaves all over me. Behind me there was a scream. Mel in panic had gotten tangled up in her bike. As I rushed to help her an even bigger gush of wind blew a bush almost over us.

When we were pedaling like MAD down that hill Mel looked back, turned white and shaky, and glanced at me. She beat me to the stables she told me the trees had made the shape of a person waving at us...

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